Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda - May 2024 - Click here to view a PDF
Old Gun Road Civic Association Safety Committee Report - February 21, 2024
Torry Hoover, President, Jon Kucera – Treasurer, Bill Girling - Member at Large
Old Gun Road was built by the Huguenots before the Revolutionary War. Due to the surrounding coal mines, OGR played an important part of Richmond’s history during the Civil War. These mines became critical as coal was important in making weapons. Bellona Arsenal was built in 1814 as an Army Post and adjacent to the Bellona Foundry, that produced cannons. Today, Old Gun Road has remained unique because of its picturesque hilly and winding road to the James River.
The Old Gun Road Civic Association (OGRCA) was organized in 1957 in order to preserve the beauty of Old Gun Road. One of the Association’s first projects was planting 50,000 Daffodil bulbs along the road. These yellow flags have exploded triple fold and beautify the four mile stretch of Old Gun Road. During the Ed Barber tenure as County Supervisor, the Planning Department wanted to rezone land adjacent to OGR from agricultural to multiple housing. It was met with 10 neighborhood Associations meeting at the Courthouse to defeat the proposed Bill. Prior to Rt 288 being built in 1989, the OGRCA was instrumental in moving the crossing over the James River five miles west of the proposed location. In 2003, the OGRCA worked with the developers of Martin’s Grant to modify development away from the road and to build a 8’ high berm, that substantially shields the development from the road today. In 2004, Tarrington wanted to increase the density/acre and create a 300-boat marina. The OGRCA successfully proposed a smaller 30 boat marina on the 8 mile stretch of River, for which Tarrington eventually abandoned plans. Today, the OGRCA represents over 700 homes, including several neighborhoods off OGR, including Reeds Landing, Clarkes Forge, Bellona Arsenal, Foundry Run, Reeds Bluff, Old Gun Trace and Martins Grant. We have a 600+ email list and host an annual ORGCA picnic for members to meet their neighbors.
The most recent fatality on April 11, 2023 of two teenagers traveling over 80 miles per hour has caused Virginia Department of Transportation to create a Roadway Safety Assessment (RSA) of Old Gun Road. The OGRCA created a safety committee to evaluate the report and make its recommendations to OGR neighbors and Chesterfield DOT.
“Old Gun Road is a two-lane, two-way undivided road with lane widths varying from 9 to 11 feet and is classified as a major collector. Centerline pavement markings delineate the two directions of travel which vary in quality including some sections that are in poor conditions. There are no passing zones nor edge lines pavement markings. The shoulder width ranges from zero to four feet, which creates an unforgiving condition for drivers who depart the road. Additionally, the road is also characterized by steep slopes, close fixed objects (e.g., mailboxes, culverts, ditches), minimal guardrail, little to no shoulder recovery areas, and sharp curves. The clear zone required is 10-14 feet, however, there are existing fixed objects located within the clear zone at many locations.”
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 3
The OGR Civic Association invites you to our neighborhood Annual Fall Picnic!
Sunday, October 6, 2024 – 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Rain or Shine!
Virginia Power Boat Club • Entertainment Pavilion
4051 Old Gun Road East
Enjoy pulled pork or chicken BBQ, baked beans, rolls, coleslaw, macaroni & cheese, beer & soda.
Bring your favorite dessert to share and lawn chairs.
$25 Gift Certificate will be awarded for Best Tasting and
Best Looking Dessert!
Check your mailbox for the invite/reservation form,
or CLICK HERE for the PDF version.
If you plan to attend, we ask that you send in your reservation form and OGR Membership Dues by October 2, 2024.
News & Updates
“Crash data within the study segment was obtained from 2018 through 2022 to understand the crash patterns and frequency of typical crashes that occur on Old Gun Road. The following sections summarize the crash data reviewed as part of this RSA. Between 2018 and 2022, a total of 38 crashes occurred along Old Gun Road within the study segment limits.
Note: the 2023 speeding fatality and the 2016 speeding fatality from departing road and hitting tree, taking total to 40 Crashes, including 2 fatalities in seven years.
The following summarizes the crash data statistics and trends.
The most frequent crash type was fixed object (25 crashes, 66%). The second most frequent crash type was angle (5 crashes, 13%). A complete summary of crashes by type is in Table 1.
There were 25 crashes (66%) that resulted in property damage only. There were 5 crashes (13%) that resulted in a severe injury. A complete summary of crashes by severity is in Table 2.
There were 26 crashes (68%) that occurred during daylight lighting conditions. A complete summary of crashes by lighting condition is shown in Table 3.
Thirty-one crashes (82%) were reported not occurring at an intersection.
There were 12 crashes (32%) that involved a young driver.
Seventeen crashes (45%) were reported along a curved roadway alignment.
The most frequent time crashes occurred was from 3 to 6 pm during which nine crashes (24%) occurred. A complete summary of crashes by time of day is in Table 4.
There were 27 crashes (71%) that occurred on dry pavement and six crashes (16%) that occurred on wet pavement.”
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 11
Fixed-Object Crashes Contributing Factors
There was a total of 25 fixed object crashes (66%) within the study segment. The location of the fixed object crashes was documented throughout the corridor as shown and resulted in severities ranging from severe injuries to property damage only. Based on the roadside characteristics documented, fixed objects are located adjacent to the roadway throughout the study segment. There are steep slopes, close fixed objects (e.g., mailboxes, culverts, ditches), minimal guardrail, little to no shoulder recovery areas, sharp curves, and windy roadway curvature creating unforgiving conditions for vehicles that depart the road. Documentation of roadway features is shown in Photograph 2. The photographs display existing roadside features that would result in fixed object crashes.
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 13
“The posted speed limit is 35 mph. Based on the speed data collected, vehicles traveled in the corridor between 6 to 9 mph over the posted speed limit (~28%). The speed data results indicate that a majority of vehicles travel above the posted speed limit. Public education outreach has been conducted via the In Memory of Campaign since the fatal crash that triggered this RSA. The campaign strives to discourage speeding, driving under the influence, distracting driving, and promote wearing a seat belt.”
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 8
“To mitigate future speeding and off-road related crashes, Pole Mounted Speed Displays (PMSD) signs are recommended in both travel directions within straight sections of the roadway before potentially unforgiving roadway curvature is encountered. There were 6 reported roadway departure crashes since 2016 within the curved roadway section just north of Silbyrd Drive. Based on this crash pattern, a possible placement for PMSD signs is just north of Silbyrd Drive near 2801 Old Gun Road on the right side the road facing northbound traffic and just west of 4120 Old Gun Road on the right side of the road facing westbound traffic.”
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 10
VDOT Short-Term Improvement Recommendations
The Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) publication, Systemic Low-Cost Countermeasures for an Unsignalized Intersection Safety Improvements contains a detailed list of low-cost, short-term improvements that can be installed at unsignalized intersections to reduce crash frequency and improve safety. These improvements are tiered from 1 to 3, with tier 3 providing the most safety measures. Each tier is marginally more expensive than the last, which may be a consideration under tighter budget constraints. The following list documents the features of a Tier 1 unsignalized intersection.
Advance intersection ahead warning signs on free approaches
Advance Stop Ahead warning signs on stop approach
Properly spaced and placed stop bar and double yellow centerline striping
At T intersections, double arrow warning signs
Appropriately colored reflective strips on warning and stop sign posts
Removal of foliage or parking that limits sight distance
Install LED speed feedback signs to discourage speeding
Install Stop Ahead warning signs
Install retroreflective strips on curve warning and chevron sign supports to enhance driver awareness
Implement proposed signing and striping improvements at Cherokee Road and Old Gun Road intersection
Continued education to the public should be carried out
Continued enforcement should be carried out
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 17
The first proposed intermediate improvement includes the removal of obstructions within the roadway clear zone, which includes the removal of foliage within five feet of either edge of the roadway and ensuring all signs are visible.
“The second intermediate improvement includes the implementation of a pavement shoulder wedge on the road shoulders where it fits. Data from previous studies shows that vehicles reentering the roadway following roadway departure have a higher likelihood of severe injury or a fatality, since the vertical pavement edge erodes over time. The pavement shoulder wedge involves repaving the shoulder to include a 30-degree slope into the backfill so that as the backfill erodes, any vehicles departing the roadway would be able to reenter the roadway. The pavement shoulder wedge is statistically effective at reducing run-off-the-road crashes by approximately 20%. As part of the pavement shoulder wedge improvement, the road will need to be milled and overlayed. The estimated cost for the intermediate-term improvements is $5,138,394 and results in a benefit-cost ratio of 1.35.”
Roadway Safety Assessment: Old Gun Road, Chesterfield County, VA, Chesterfield VDOT 12-19-2023, Pg 19
Recommendations by the OGRCA Safety Committee:
Short Term Improvements – The OGRCA supports and encourages all short-term improvements, by prioritizing speed reduction with active (enforcement) and passive means, i.e., PMSD, center lane and rode edge reflective striping, communications and education. This includes adding additional speed signs and installing LED speed feedback signage. That is a low-cost effort, as speed has been indicated as a major factor in wrecks and fatalities.
Although we strongly believe that September and February are the most active speeding periods, we will look forward to the Chesterfield Police providing their recommendation for the most effective speed enforcement schedule. The OGRCA will commit to contacting the Chesterfield Police at least twice a year to have them monitor speed along Old Gun Road. We will assess frequency as the Adult and Student driver population become aware that there is active enforcement.
Intermediate Term Improvements - The OGRCA has worked with George Coleman from Chesterfield DOT, now retired, during the last two decades. OGRCA has tagged trees and contacted Chesterfield DOT twice, resulting in the removal of approximately 20 trees closest to the road, most within 1 - 4 feet of the road edge. However, we agree that all trees within five feet from the road and any tree blocking stop signs and speed limit signs should be removed. For example, the tree in front of Clarke’s Forge, that caused the fatality in 2016, is still standing.
With the lack of clarity about the specific location and subsequent visual and physical impact, the OGRCA Safety Committee is skeptical about the effectiveness of the road wedges and the $5M cost associated with the installation.We would rather see money spent on widening the narrowest portions of Old Gun Road.Our residents have all experienced oncoming trucks on the narrowest portions of the road, with nowhere to go. Cars must slow down below the speed limit to allow trucks and wider vehicles to safely pass.Old Gun Road is designated a Virginia Byway and Bicycle Route, we are surprised that there have been no bicycle fatalities, as many residents have observed bike/car accidents and many near accidents. Widening the road in narrowest areas will allow more room for bikes and cars to safely pass while avoiding oncoming traffic.
We recommend that Chesterfield DOT focus on the two areas along OGR that have the highest number of accidents. First, the section of the road going North from Robious at the first curve and secondly, the section of road after the Spring Creek intersection traveling North towards the river. We request that the Safety Assessment report adds information as to the width of the road. The report stated that the road lanes vary from 9 – 11 feet. However, it doesn’t include which sections are at 9-10’. Our theory from daily driving experience along OGR is that the narrowest sections have the highest accidents.
Additionally, the S-curves, where OGR W meets OGR E, along the river has few reported accidents, but with steep drop-offs, we feel this area as supported by the “ball bank data” collected by VDOT, needs widening as well.The curves are one of the narrowest parts of OGR and the lack of site line to oncoming traffic makes it unsafe.The only reason more accidents don’t happen is that a driver has to slow down to navigate the s-curves.We feel that by focusing on widening the worst three sections VDOT would efficiently utilize the road improvement budget to make OGR safer.
Long Term Improvements - The OGRCA does not support the VDOT Long-Term recommendations. The VDOT RSA lacks documentary support for several critical modifications to the roadway: Right of Way and visual impact on property owners, as well as inconsistent financial requirements (compare ROW cost estimates between Phase II and III). Secondly, the Short and intermediate Improvements will have a major effect on safer conditions. In conjunction with non-road way actions, it is most sensible to evaluate effectiveness before considering Phase III.
In an environment of citizen feedback, widening all of OGR will forever negatively change the character of this beautiful and historic Byway. The OGRCA and neighbors will continue to work to maintain the ambience of OGR, while recognizing prudent steps to enhance user safety.
The OGRCA has been unsuccessful during the past five years in communicating with the City of Richmond to remove three trees that are within 1-2 feet of the road, at the first sharp turn in front of Martin’s Grant. We have sent three request and stated that dedication of land and costs for improving the curve were in the developer’s proffers. Richmond City did not dispute this fact and we were told the city spent the proffer money on other projects. We will appreciate any effort from Chesterfield County DOT to cooperate with the City of Richmond in removing trees and foliage along ORG East to improve site lines and safety. OGRCA represents all its’ members along the OGR corridor – County and City.
OGR West First “s” curve from Robious
First curve from Robious where multiple accidents have occurred. Pictures show narrow road, high earth banks that limited view of oncoming traffic, no shoulders.
OGR West - Traveling North
Old Gun Road S curves traveling north to river. Pictures show narrow road, multiple curve with high earth banks that limits view to oncoming traffic.
Old Gun Road Traveling South
Old Gun Road S curves traveling South towards Robious. Pictures show narrow road multiple curve with high earth banks that limits view to oncoming traffic.
For more information, read the entire VDOT Roadway Safety Assessment.
Secretary's Report - October 2023
Our annual meeting was held and we had 35 people pay dues, along with about 48 attendees to our Annual Family Picnic on October 2, 2023.
Jon recorded that the expenses for the picnic were covered by paid dues of membership. Torry called the meeting to Order after that report, and there were some active discussions by the members in attendance about the possibility of improvements being made to Old Gun Road.
After those discussions, the Board promised to have updates posted when received for all members to know the status of the possibility of improvements by Chesterfield County.
There was discussion about the amendments proposed to the Old Gun Road Civic Association Constitution, which has not been revised for more than 10 years. Based on this discussion, a current draft of the Amended Constitution will shortly be posted on the website for all to review.
The Board decided, based on those amended matters that $16,000.00 of the funds available would be invested into a 7 month CD at Atlantic Union Bank, which is a low risk, FDIC insured product, and will generate approximately $500.00 in interest through the end of May 2024. That investment will leave over $4,000.00 for emergency expenses, and we can decide in our next annual meeting in the fall, 2024, or before any other rollover options, which would be considered.
We also elected Torry as President, Jon as Treasurer, and Carl as Secretary for a two-year term. Everyone seemed to enjoy the beautiful day along the James River, and the meeting was adjourned.
Carl J. Witmeyer, Secretary OGRCA
2023 News & Updates